Desistance from sex offending

Desistance from sex offending

Desistance from Sex Offending: Alternatives to Throwing Away the Keys

by D. Richard Laws and Tony Ward

Reviewed in the online journal Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology

If one set out to design an intervention program to encourage criminals to reoffend,what would it look like? It should include the converse of what helps offenders desist from crime. It should isolate offenders from prosocial influences and opportunities for good jobs or relationships. It should remind them that they are hopelessly flawed and will never succeed. In this way, it would encourage alienation and helplessness, the “condemnation script” that Shadd Maruna (2001) found among men who persist in crime.

Related classic:

Shadd Maruna’s 2001

Making Good: How Ex-Convicts Reform and Rebuild Their Lives

Winner of a 2001 American Society of Criminology Award for Most Outstanding Contribution To Criminology, this meticulously researched book describes the process through which hard-core criminal recidivists desist from crime to lead productive lives.